

SGD 140 for 30 mins

It is extremely difficult to predict response to treatment, as it depends on so many factors. It is therefore difficult to evaluate the quantity of sessions required, whatever the condition. Regardless, we strive not to over-treat and we do not sell packages. We often seek feedback from our patients 3-4 days after a treatment to decide on the best course of action.

Except for shoes, belts and jewelry, we do not require patients to undress. We encourage ladies wearing skirts and dresses to bring a pair of shorts. We provide cotton hospital-type gowns opening onto the back, if needed.


Osteopathy may be of help at all ages.

My youngest patient was an hour old (I worked in a maternity ward in Britain) and my oldest is 99 year-old (my grand-mother).

The most important element of a good osteopathic treatment is a good working diagnosis. We’ll endeavour to provide you with that. Sometimes the need arises for a referral to another practitioner to get there.I have been established in Singapore since 2004 and I built up a good network of trusted professionals who may help if needed.

except for shoes….

About Me

Philippe Raoux is a French and English-speaking Osteopath.

Philippe is an experienced osteopath who graduated from the European School of Osteopathy (UK) in 1996.

Philippe feels comfortable practicing the range of available osteopathic techniques and will endeavour to customise the choice of osteopathic treatment techniques according to patients’ needs and preferences, however, he has a preference for the gentler styles of treatments.